Carlos Arredondo's Fabula
For A Better Understanding of Latin America



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1971 Chaparron radio programme.
Listener girl saying that she liked
my songs when she heard
me on the radio 1 of 2

1971 Chaparron radio programme.
Listener girl saying that she liked
my songs when she heard
me on the radio 2 of 2

1971 From Valentin Trujillo to Juan
La Rivera saying that he will help me

1971 Tizona put my name forward to
sing on Radio Cooperativa. Juan
La Rivera to Valentin Trujillo.
Can you help Carlos?

1972-1973 Carlos is the Goalkeeper-
Campeon with Real Madrid- Liga-Baby-football- Yungay area,Santiago of Chile

1973 Document showing that my
contract with Tizona was terminated

1974 Home Office's document very
important for the Chilean Refugee people-certificate of registration with the police

1974-British Embasy in Lima-letter
given to Chileans about situation in GB

1975 The MacLellan Galery, Chilean Folk Group, Hugo,Tulio,Carlos

1975,Glasgow 800 years. Left-Chilean
Folk Group -What do you want to drink -at Drumchapel. On the right Chilean children we are near
the Kelvin river -Carlos
with guitar

1975-Hugo and Tulio-Chilean folk
group-at Drumchapel -Glasgow.
Below Carlos in the same city

1976, Madame Allende's visit to

1976, Madame Allende's visit to Glasgow,
Sra Anita, all the way from Falkirk, and
with a cigarrete in her hands,
Madame Judith Hart and others

1978 exiliados chilenos in edinburgh-Meadows-Marcela, her daughter marcelita,Juan carlos, Luis Hermosila

1983, Star Social Club, Glasgow, Chile 10 years. Gordon Brown MP 10 years Become British PM in 2007

1983, Star Social Club, Glasgow, Chile 10 years. Gordon Brown MP 10 years

2003 Glasgow, Caledonian
University concert

A letter of recomendation from
Tizona "to who may it concern"

1974. A stop from London to Glasgow:
Tulio Bravo, Marcela Verdugo,
Carlos and Beatriz Carreño

Chile 10 Years

Edinburgh Film, 1989, I made a video documentary about Carmen Quintana 1

Here we are inside the factory with the Geofrey Stevens the great Chilean boxer

Journey to Glasgw with Marcela
Verdugo a "Paula" Journalist

My musical group: Manuel Rodriguez

With Max Flores

My libreta shows what I paid the
Chilean State towards my pension.
from 1967 to March 1973

Octo-1979-above Chaplency Centre-Edinburgh-Manuel Rodriguez Group-below 1st of May 1980-Playhouse Edinburgh

This is a photograph taken of my fellow Tizona workers in
Esperanza St. I am not here.

This is my libreta de Seguro.

I, Maestro Poblete y Penailillo, Pato Valenzuela and Manuel Ojeda outside Tizona Factory, Esperanza St and Mapocho S, Stgo.

Traduction of letter of recomendation

What I paid in my libreta to the Chilean
State from 1967 to March 1973 3 of 3

Tizona Worker. A trip to Los Andes to play futbol.
The guy with the guitar is me.

1977 CUT, London
© Carlos Arredondo 2007